Thursday, February 16, 2012

I tried my best

I tried my best
I'm sitting on my bed thinking about you but all I know is that you don't like me . Seeing you around her all the time it hurts me more and more . My heart breaks into little pieces that won't ever get back together
(Chorus): I tried my best, I did my best but all that was done is now a fall
I could of had tried more but there's no point like this feeling here inside of me I don't like this feeling in me I failed to know that you disappointed me
(chorus): I tried my best , I did my best but I'm being blocked by an invisible wall . Now there's hate inside my soul there's regret and nothing else in my heart . I thought you will always be there . Apparently it was a mistake I failed to let you know my love my love for you was when we first met and now its all friendship ohhhh~~~~ why
(chorus): I tried my best , I did my best but now I cant even rest
Diana"s Song (mp3)


  1. Holy shoot!!!!!!!!! Diana we did great....... Can't wait for the next 1 :);)

  2. Ikr i think you and diana did great!! You can braly hear me YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! :D

  3. i love you song you did very good ily
